Luar—Our way on the highway
In 1993, after the associates gained experience in the business environment, a new transport company was formed – Luar. Over the course of time, it grew together with its partners, thus developing solutions for both national and international transportation and both general and specialized merchandise. Luar is presently in the position of satisfying even the strictest demands of its customers from 3 continents: Europe, Asia, Africa.
Our way on the highway is a promise we make to our clients and to ourselves: no compromises in the services we offer.
Excellency in services
We are large enough both in size and in solutions adapted to clients, but, at the same time, small enough to provide flexible and quality services. The special care for clients and the Luar team of professionals always ensures the accomplishment of the transport services in the best conditions. As a result of the services provided and the trust of our clients, Luar got the quality certificate ISO 9001:2008 for the activity of transport. We own a fleet of over 100 state-of-the-art lorries and over 150 trailers.
Real orientation towards clients
By benefitting from a dedicated crew, our drivers are always prepared for even the most specific requirements of our clients. Our semi-trailers are equipped accordingly to any type of load, thus never finding themselves in the situation of not accomplishing the required demands. Our clients can benefit from our 24/7 multilingual assistance (Romanian, Hungarian, German, Italian, French, Spanish) at any time. Our real time online monitoring systems provide the more traditional clients with trust and control. Another forte of the Luar company is owning a global CMR of 1,5 million EUR.
Care for the environment
Printr-o orientare pe termen lung, investim în vHaving a long-term orientation, we invest in the future by purchasing and keeping in our own park only the most economical and non-polluting lorries on the market. The Luar fleet is mostly composed of the new Mercedes Actros 1845, which was designated the most eco-friendly lorry of the year 2015.iitor prin achiziţionarea şi păstrarea în parcul propriu a celor mai econome şi nepoluante camioane de pe piaţă. Flota Luar este formată majoritar din noul Mercedes Actros 1845, desemnat cel mai eco-friendly camion al anului 2015.
Community involvement
Our passion for transport has determined us to support market regulation efforts. Luar is actively involved in the situations faced by Romanian carriers in relation to the Romanian state, as a founding member of the association APTE 2002 (Association of Employers of Transporters Europe 2002), which has strongly supported the issue of per diems.
Office in Luxembourg
92, Route de Longwy
L-4750 Pétange
+352 2650 2078
+352 2665 2788
+352 691 304 670